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CGN YangJiang Nuclear power Co.,Ltd.receives the 20th China Quality Award

Source: 发布时间: 2023/12/01


On December 1, 2023, winners of the 20th China Quality Award (2022-2023) were announced. Yangjiang Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. received the 20th China Quality Award based on its excellent operation performance, significant cultural cohesion and outstanding quality management. This is the third CGN organization to receive this award after Daya Bay Nuclear Power Operation and Management Co., Ltd. (the 16th China Quality Award) and Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (the 19th China Quality Award).

China Quality Award is reviewed and selected by China Association for Quality and is the supreme honor in Chinas quality management area. This award aims to the recognize excellent organizations that have implemented outstanding quality management and have attained remarkable achievements in quality, economic and social benefits. This award has been playing a benchmark role in the high-quality development of various industries in China.

As a major energy construction project in the national 11th Five-Year Plan, Yangjiang Nuclear Power Project was approved for the construction of 6×1,000 MW PWR nuclear power units. It is a signature project marking the large scale, serialized and standardizeddevelopment of Chinas nuclear power projects. Since the commencement of the main structural works construction on December 16, 2008, Yangjiang unit 1-6 have been completed in a pace of achieving one unit per year commercial operation during 2014 and 2019.

Since the commercial operation of Unit 1 in 2014, Yangjiang Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. has achieved a total of 320 billion kilowatt-hours of grid offtake, which is equivalent to a reduction of CO2 emissions by about 260 million tons, a reduction of standard coal consumption by more than 95.936 million tons and also equivalent to planting about 720,000 hectares. This provides the sustainable development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with important green power.